I love how our God just takes us as we are. No checklist to earn his love, no begging to experience his mercy, and no chores or acts of community service to be close to Him. At the end of the day, I just want to rest in Him. Many religions today have so many rules- need to do this, need to think that. Secular culture says we can have it all, it's just a matter of believing in yourself and willpower.
Recently I went on a facebook page of an old high school friend, and I saw on the page that there was a link called "Joy of Satan." Out of curiosity I went to that website and read the origins and what they believed to be "truth." It said that originally Satan was the creator of everything and the proof was found in ancient cultures where the serpent was a strong symbol. Since proof of the serpent, which represents Satan, was in these early cultures, that proved that Satan existed long before Christianity, which they said that Christianity started when Moses received the 10 commandments. Satanism also claims that they do not promote evil, death and sacrificing, but encourage the power of the mind and soul through meditation. They also like to think logically and say that everything has a scientific explanation. Yes, I understand their historical proof, their promotion of being a gentle religion, and the benefits of meditation and science to reach a higher level of transformation, but there are things we have to consider...
First, many early cultures and religions were man made. Man took what he knew and tried to make sense of it. If only the sky could bring rain to water the crops, then yeah, it's easy to make the sky a god. If snakes had characteristics of being mysterious, threatening, and/or powerful, I can see why someone would idolize its characteristics and its ability to kill and make that a god. If you believe that man has fallen into sin, then yes, it makes sense that a man made religion is satanic in nature. God is the one who paves the way to what is true. He calls us to not put our hopes and beliefs in "things" because idols do not provide. He has given us a mind, but it shouldn't be key to all things-it has its limitations. He has also sent Jesus to die in our place because we can't save ourselves. Man is in constant sin, so he can not change the condition of his heart through being a "nice guy" or meditating... it goes deeper than that.
I understand that every religion wants others to understand that they're all about peace and gentleness, but doesn't the heart yearn for more? Doesn't the heart cry out for justice, love, and mercy? When I'm in my deepest moment of weakness, I don't think I can meditate out of it, or do chores to redeem myself... I just need to rest. I don't mean rest as in sleep my way through things or pretend like it's not happening, I mean I need comfort. God says, "come to me all who are weary, and I will give you rest." When you feel like your on your last thread, God doesn't call you to do more, instead, he just calls you to rest in Him. That's what we need at the end of it all. Some people say that you cant depend on anything besides yourself...which is true to an extent, you shouldn't rely or depend on people because people don't know what your thinking, they aren't right next to you at all times to comfort you, and they don't fully understand what you're going through. Yet, you can fully depend on God because he's everywhere, knows everything, and he know your heart.
For God to be God, he has to have all of these characteristics. Even science has it's limitations. Science cant even measure outer space, and don't you think for God to be God, he has to be bigger than space? I love God because he is a powerful, loving, and just God. He calls us to him and wants us just as we are. No masks, no chores, no begging. Just be still and know that he is God.
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